- Create Staff Roles
- Edit Staff Roles
- Translate Staff Roles
- Archive Staff Roles
- Assign Staff & Role to Activity Occurrence
- Remove Staff from Activity Occurrence
- View Staff Assignments on Manifest
Related Articles:
Create Staff Roles
Navigate to Settings > Team and click on the Staff Management box (shown below) to create a new role. If you do not see this option on your screen, your account may not be set up to give you permission to manage staff.
From the Staff Management page, select Add to create a new staff role.
On the Staff Management - Create screen, fill in the fields for Role and Short Description.
- Role is simply the name of the staff position, such as guide, captain, or driver. This is a required field.
- Short Description is an optional field to help better define/provide more details about the role.

Select Save Changes to save this as a new role on your shop account.
Edit Staff Roles
To edit an existing staff role and/or its description, start by navigating to Settings > Team > Staff Management to find the role you wish to update. Note: If you do not have access to the Staff Management page, you may not have the user permissions to manage staff.
Find the role you need to edit from the list of Active Staff Roles. Then, click the Actions menu for that role and select Edit.
On the edit page, you will see two fields. Simply click into the field to edit the existing content, as needed.
- Role is simply the name of the staff position, such as guide, captain, or driver. This is a required field.
- Short Description is an optional field to help better define/provide more details about the role.
Select Save Changes after you finish editing the role to ensure your edits are retained.
Translate Staff Roles
See Publish Shop Content in Other Languages for details on how to translate your staff roles.
Archive Staff Roles
To archive a staff role that is no longer needed, start by navigating to Settings > Team > Staff Management to find the role you wish to archive. Note: If you do not have access to the Staff Management page, you may not have the user permissions to manage staff.
Find the role you want to archive from the list of Active Staff Roles. Then, click the Actions menu for that role and select Archive.
Once archived, the role will be moved to the Archived Staff Roles table toward the bottom of the Staff Management page.
To Restore Archived Roles:
You must click Actions > Restore to make an archived role active. This will reactivate the role so that it can be assigned or so that you can make any necessary edits.
Assign Staff & Role to Activity Occurrence
To assign a staff member to a specific scheduled activity, start by clicking on Products in the main navigation from your TRYTN account. Select the product type to view all existing activities. Then, locate the product you need and click that product's Actions menu, followed by Details.
Pick a date to narrow down to the specific instance you wish to assign staff (see example date below).
On the product details page, select the appropriate time slot under the Time Slots for this Date section (example time slot shown below).
In the Actions for Time Slot area you will see a Staff Management section. Click the green "+" to expand this section. If you do not see this section, you may not have the correct permissions to be able to manage staff.
From this section, select the Add button to assign staff to this specific occurrence of the activity.
Click the field under Staff Member to view a dropdown menu showing all staff members entered for your account. Simply select the staff member you want to assign to this occurrence. Then, click inside the Roles field to choose from the list of your pre-defined roles.
Please note: Once you select a staff member, you must assign at least one role, but multiple roles may be selected, if needed. Assigned staff members can share roles with other staff assigned to the same activity instance.
Finally, select Save Changes to add the staff member to this activity instance. Repeat these steps for all required staff members.
Once a staff member has been assigned to an activity instance, their name will show up under the Staff Management section of the page, along with the assigned role and elected reservation display color assigned to this staff member (see Managing your Team within TRYTN to change the display color, if needed).
Remove Staff from Occurrence
To remove an assigned staff member from a specific scheduled activity, start by clicking on Products in the main navigation from your TRYTN account. Select the product type to view all existing activities. Then, locate the product you need and click that product's Actions menu, followed by Details.
Pick the date to narrow down to the specific instance you wish edit (see example date below).
On the product details page, select the appropriate time slot under the Time Slots for this Date section (example time slot shown below).
In the Actions for Time Slot area, you will see a Staff Management section. Click the green "+" to expand this section. If you do not see this section, you may not have the correct permissions to be able to manage staff.
Find the staff member you wish to remove and select the Remove button. Repeat this process for any additional staff you wish to remove from this instance.
Once all necessary changes have been made, select Save Changes to retain your edits.
View Staff Assignments on Manifest
You can view staff assignments via an activity's manifest from the Check In section of your TRYTN account. Start by clicking Check In in the main site navigation. Then, find the date, activity, and time slot you wish to view; click to select it this will open the activity manifest.
In the above fictional example, you can see that "Brandon" is assigned as the only staff member for the "Robot Head Tour" activity for the 8-10 am time slot. You can also see the roles of the staff listed. In the above example, Brandon is listed as the Driver.