On TRYTN, the process of creating Merchandise Products takes place over 2 steps: 1) Basic Settings and 2) Advanced Settings. This particular article covers Step 2, Advanced Settings specific to merchandise products. These optional settings allow you to add taxes and fees, add-ons, questions, and display preferences for your products.
This article covers the following topics:
Related articles:
Determine Display Settings
Product display settings can be found by navigating to your activity of choice and selecting Advanced Settings from the Actions menu. Each of the individual display settings are explained in detail below.
Hide Activity from Website
Select this checkbox to hide your activity from website purchases. This option can be utilized for activities that you do not want all site visitors to see, such as in the case of custom itineraries or email promotions. These activities are still available for public purchase if a user has a direct link to the product page.
Display Product Before Categories
When customers view your booking page, the default setting displays categories first, followed by individual products. You have the option to change this order, if needed, by selecting this checkbox to show your activity above categories. Note: If multiple products have this option checked, the product sort order will determine which item appears first.
Product Categories
Under Selected Categories on this page, you can assign any applicable categories to your activity. When you click this field, you will see a list of all product categories that have been created for your shop. If you do not see a category you want to utilize, visit Products > Settings > Categories to create a new category (see the Categories article for details).
Click on all applicable categories and they will be added in green. To remove an unneeded category in this field, simply click the 'x' to de-select it.
Product Attributes
Under the Selected Attributes header on this page, you can assign applicable product attributes to your activity. When you click this field, you will see a list of all attributes that have been created for your shop. If you do not see any attributes that work for your activity, visit Products > Settings > Attributes to create a new product attribute (see our article on Product Attributes for more information).
Click on all applicable attributes and they will be added in green. To remove any unneeded attribute in this field, simply click the 'x' to de-select it.
Assign Tax Rate(s) and/or Fees
To assign tax rates or fees to your products, simply navigate to the product of your choice and click on Actions > Advanced Settings. Under Applicable Taxes & Fees on this page, you can assign taxes and/or fees to your activity. When you click this field, you will see a list of all taxes and fees that have been created for your shop. To add a new tax rate or fee, visit Settings > Tax Rates & Fees (see our Tax Rates & Fees article for details and instructions).
Click to select all applicable taxes and/or fees that apply to your activity. Each added item will be shown in green and can easily be de-selected by clicking the 'x' to remove them from the field.
Assign Add-Ons
Add-ons allow customers to purchase supplemental products for the activity they are purchasing. To assign add-ons for your activity, navigate to the product and select Actions > Advanced Settings. From here, scroll down to the Add-Ons section on the Advanced Settings page.
Follow the steps below to add and set up each individual add-on for your activity:
STEP 1: Select Applicable Add-Ons
Use the Search field or click on add-ons from the Unselected Add-Ons menu to include all applicable add-ons for this activity. To make this process easier, you can select multiple add-ons at once by following the instructions below:
- For Add-Ons Listed in Consecutive Order: Hold down [Shift] to select multiple items at a time if these items appear in sequential order in your list.
- For Add-Ons Listed Out of Consecutive Order: Hold down [Control] (for Windows OS) or [Option] (for Mac OS) to select multiple items at a time if the items do not fall in sequential order.
Once your add-ons are selected, click the arrow to move them to the Selected Add-Ons section.
Note: If you need to create a new add-on for this activity, visit Products > Settings > Add-Ons on the TRYTN website (see our Add-Ons article for help).
STEP 2: Determine Add-On Settings
All add-ons you've added to your activity will be shown in an individual box under Selected Add-Ons. For each, you must determine: 1) if it should be hidden from website purchases, 2) if it is required for purchase, and 3) the maximum quantity of add-ons that can be purchased.
Require Add-On to be Purchased
Select this checkbox to make your add-on required for purchase. If selected here, any customer that adds this product to their cart will be notified that they must purchase this add-on, and their purchase total will reflect the cost of this add-on, in addition to the base product.
Hide Add-On from Website Purchases
Select this checkbox to hide your add-on from website purchases, when needed. This can be used for add-ons you don't want all site visitors to see (useful for custom itineraries or email promotions). If selected, customers that add this product to their cart from the web experience will not see the option to add this add-on to their purchase.
Maximum Quantity
By default, the system will allow a customer to purchase an unlimited quantity of an add-on. However, it may be helpful to set a Maximum Quantity of add-ons in the following instances:
- When you want to limit an add-on to only 1 per-person
- When you don't want to allow a customer to purchase more than "x" number of add-ons for a particular activity
See the below scenarios to determine the Maximum Quantity setting that works best for each add-on for your activity:
To Allow an Unlimited Number of your Add-On to be Purchased:
Leave the Maximum Quantity field blank to allow customers to purchase as few or as many of the add-on as they desire.
To Allow No More Than 1 Add-On to be Purchased:
Set the Maximum Quantity field to "1" and customers will be presented with a checkbox during the purchase process, allowing them to either purchase the add-on or not.
To Set a Pre-Determined Number of your Add-On to be Purchased:
Set the Maximum Quantity field to anything other than "1" to allow customers to select an add-on quantity from "0" up the value you set in this field.
Example: If you enter a "5" for Maximum Quantity, a user can choose to purchase anywhere from 0 to 5 of the add-on with their purchase.
STEP 3: Determine the Display Order for your Add-Ons
Click on your add-on boxes and drag them into the preferred display order.
STEP 4: Save Changes
To activate any updates you make, be sure to click Save Changes.
Specify Questions
Questions allow you to ask your customers for any necessary information at the time of purchase. To assign questions specific to your activity, first navigate to the product and click the associated Actions menu, followed by Advanced Settings. From this page, scroll down to the Questions section on the Advanced Settings page.
Follow the steps below to add and set up each individual question for your activity:
STEP 1: Select Applicable Questions
Use the Search field or click on questions from the Unselected Questions menu to include all applicable questions for this activity. To make this process easier, you can select multiple questions at once by following the instructions below:
- For Questions Listed in Consecutive Order: Hold down [Shift] to select multiple items at a time if these items appear in sequential order in your list.
- For Questions Listed Out of Consecutive Order: Hold down [Control] (for Windows OS) or [Option] (for Mac OS) to select multiple items at a time if the items do not fall in sequential order.
Once your questions are selected, click the arrow to move them to the Selected Questions section.
Note: If you need to create a new question for this activity, visit Products > Settings > Questions on the TRYTN website (see our Questions article for more information).
STEP 2: Determine Question Settings
All questions you've added to your activity will be shown in an individual box under Selected Questions. For each, you must determine: 1) if it should be hidden from website purchases, 2) if it is required for purchase, and 3) how the question should be presented.
Hide Question from Website Purchases
Select this checkbox to hide your question from website purchases, when needed. This can be used for questions you don't want all site visitors to see and may be useful for custom itineraries or email promotions. If selected, customers that add your product to their cart from the web experience will not see this question when they are making their purchase.
Require Question to be Answered
Select this checkbox to require your question to be answered for purchase. If selected here, any customer that adds this product to their cart will be notified that they must provide a response to this question. Notice that that questions with an answer type of 'Choose an Existing Activity Date' are mandatory and will be required to answer.
Question Presentation
Based on the type of responses you need to collect, you must decide how many times your question will be asked (per cart, per item, or per participant). Use the descriptions below to determine How the Question Should be Presented to your customers for this particular activity:
Once Per Cart
If selected, the question will appear only once at the cart level. In instances where the item is placed in the cart multiple times, or when multiple participants will attend the activity, the question will still only be asked once.
Once Per Cart Item
If selected, the question will appear each time this item appears in the cart. For example, if the activity is added to the cart 3 times, the question will be asked 3 times, once for each time the activity is added.
Once Per Participant
When selected, the question will appear for each participant in the cart. For example, if 2 participants are booked during the purchase of an activity, a separate answer will be required for each of the 2 participants.
STEP 3: Determine the Display Order for your Questions
Click on your question boxes and drag them into the preferred display order.
STEP 4: Save Changes
To activate any updates you make, be sure to click Save Changes.