There are a variety of fields that can be added to custom reports to help pull the exact data you need for time-efficient business insights. The following article provides details about each of the report levels and defines each of the fields that can be included.
This article covers the following topics:
- Report Levels
- Transaction Fields
- Product Fields
- Participant Fields
- Add-On Fields
- Charge Fields
- Taxes & Fees Fields
- Question Fields
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Report Levels
Using the first dropdown menu under Report Criteria in the Report Generator, you can select the level of detail needed for your report.
The 5 report level options include Transaction, Product, Participant, Add-On, and Charge.
Each of the report levels is explained in detail below.
When a transaction-level report is created, the results show data specific to individual shop transactions. This means each row of the report will include data from a single transaction.
At the transaction level, you can select from the following field types. Click on a field type to view a list of all applicable fields and their descriptions.
When a product-level report is created, the results show transaction data specific to each individual product (or activity) your business offers. The report will include one row per product, per transaction. Note that information is broken down by activity AND time slot, so you will find a separate data point for every product occurrence purchased with the transaction.
At the product level, you can select from the following field types. Click on a field type to view a list of all applicable fields and their descriptions.
When a participant-level report is created, the results show transaction data specific to individual products AND participants. The report will include one row per participant, per activity, per transaction.
At the participant level, you can select from the following field types. Click on a field type to view a list of all applicable fields and their descriptions.
When a report is created at the add-on level, the results show details specific to individual add-ons that have been purchased. The report will include one row per add-on, per participant, per activity, per transaction. For example, if a customer booked a single activity for 2 participants and each participant had 2 add-ons, the report would display 4 separate rows for that particular transaction.
At the add-on level, you can select from the following field types. Click on a field type to view a list of all applicable fields and their descriptions.
When a charge-level report is created, the results show transaction data including charge details. The report will include one row per charge, per transaction.
At the charge level, you can select from the following field types. Click on a field type to view a list of all applicable fields and their descriptions.
Transaction Fields
Transaction 'context' fields are found at all report levels, under Report Criteria in the Report Generator. Non-context fields are only available at the Transaction report level. For example, the 'Transaction: Buyer Name' provides context to a report that is set to 'Add-On'.
Transaction Fields & Descriptions:
Abandoned Cart Email Sent - Offers simple 'yes' or 'no' output, with 'yes' indicating an abandoned cart email was sent for the transaction and 'no' indicating that no abandoned cart email was sent.
Affiliate Commission - The dollar amount paid out in affiliate commission for a transaction. Context field.
Affiliate Name - The name of the affiliate associated with a transaction. Context field.
Amount Paid - The total dollar amount the customer paid for a particular transaction.
Booked By - The name of the associate who booked the transaction. Context field.
Business Name - The name of the shop where the transaction was completed. Context field.
Buyer Email - The email address provided by the customer who completed the transaction. Context field.
Buyer Name - The name of the buyer, as indicated during the booking process. Context field.
Buyer Phone - The phone number provided by the customer for a specific transaction. Context field.
Channel - Indicates the referring website, email or other source that brought the purchasing customer to the shopping cart flow. Examples include Back Off, Direct, Get Your Guide, or Viator.
Cash Total - The total payment amount collected via cash for a specific transaction.
Count - The total quantity of transactions. The count will always appear as "1" as the data presented will always represent a singular transaction.
Credit Total - The total amount of payment collected via credit card for a specific transaction.
Fees - The total amount of fees collected on a transaction.
Gateway Processing Fee - The total fee charged by payment services to process the transaction.
Notes - Includes any transaction-related notes recorded in the system by shop associates. For each transaction, the date, time, action (e.g., Quick Note) and user name are also indicated. Context field.
Notes (System) - Provides any system notes recorded for the transaction. This includes date, time, action (e.g., Purchase, Refund, Edit Transaction), user name and API note (a recap of the transaction including any refund amount, how it was handled, where a cancellation was requested, who processed the changes, etc.).
Outstanding Balance - The total of any remaining balances that still need to be collected to complete a transaction / pay in full.
Participant Count - The number of individual participants booked for activity(s) on a particular transaction.
Payment Processor - The name of the payment processor utilized for a transaction (e.g., Stripe, API, Cash, etc.).
Payment Tags - The list of Payment Tags that were associated with the transaction. Context field.
Prior Refund Amount - A total dollar amount of any refunds processed on a transaction.
Promotion Code - Shows any coupon or promo code used on a purchase transaction, if applicable.
Promotion Discount - The total dollar amount of any promotions utilized for a transaction.
Purchase Date - The date of purchase in Month/Day/Year format. Context field.
Purchase Month - Includes the month and year of purchase (e.g., Feb 2022). Context field.
Purchase Year - The year when a specific transaction was processed (e.g., 2021). Context field.
Purchase Date & Time - Includes the weekday, month, day, year and time for the current transaction (e.g., Monday, February 28, 2022 1:43 PM). Context field.
Refund Cancellation Fee Amount - The total dollar amount of any fees charged for a cancellation (e.g., $25.00).
Refund Date - Includes the weekday, month, day, year and time that a refund was processed on a transaction (e.g., Friday, February 25, 2022 8:28 AM).
Service Fee - Buyer - Represents the portion of service fees that were paid by the customer.
Service Fee - Seller - Represents the portion of service fees that were paid by the seller (i.e, your shop).
Service Fee - Total - The total amount of all services fees charged for a particular transaction. This includes fees paid by both buyers and sellers, combined.
Status - The current payment standing for a transaction (e.g., Paid, Refunded, Balance Due).
Sub Total - The transaction total before any applicable taxes and/or fees have been added.
Payment Tags - Indicates any shop-created payment tags associated with a transaction. Payment tags can be created or edited from your TRYTN account by navigating to Settings > Payment Tags.
Taxes - A total amount for all taxes added to a particular transaction.
Total - A full transaction total, including any taxes and/or fees that were charged.
Total (Net) - The gross total, or total profit, made by the shop on a transaction.
Tracking Source Code - Source code for any purchases made from a referring website to help identify and track the flow of users to your shop.
Transaction ID - A clickable transaction ID for the purchase that links to TRYTN's Order Details page for that specific transaction. Context field.
Voucher Value - The total amount of any voucher used for the purchase of a particular transaction.
Product Fields
Product fields are found in each of the following report levels, under Report Criteria in the Report Generator:
- Product
- Participant
- Add-On
Product Fields & Descriptions:
Assigned Asset – Lists any asset(s) assigned to a particular occurrence of an activity.
Count – The total quantity of a specific product. The count will always appear as "1" as the data presented will always represent a singular product.
End Date – The date a specific occurrence of an activity is/was set to conclude.
End Date and Time – Includes both the date and time a particular activity occurrence is/was set to finish.
Fees – Includes the total of all fees associated with a specific product occurrence.
Lead Time From Date Of Purchase (in days) – The number of days between the date the product is/was purchased and the start time for a specific occurrence of this activity.
Participant Count – The number of individual participants booked for a specific occurrence of an activity.
Promotion Discount - The total dollar amount of any promotions utilized for the purchase of a product.
Refund Cancellation Fee Amount - The total dollar amount of any fees charged for a cancellation (e.g., $25.00), for a particular product.
Service Fee - Buyer - Represents the portion of service fees that were paid by the customer.
Service Fee - Seller - Represents the portion of service fees that were paid by the seller (i.e, your shop).
Service Fee - Total - The total amount of all services fees charged. This includes fees paid by both buyers and sellers, combined.
Start Date - The date a specific occurrence of an activity is/was set to begin.
Start Date and Time - Includes both the date and time a particular activity occurrence is/was scheduled to start.
Sub Total - The activity total before any applicable taxes and/or fees have been added.
Taxes - The total amount for all taxes included on a particular transaction, for a particular product.
Title - The name of a purchased activity.
Total - The full product total, including any taxes and/or fees that were charged.
Voucher Value - The total amount of any voucher used for the purchase of a product.
Participant Fields
Participant fields are found at the Participant level only, under Report Criteria in the Report Generator.
Participant Fields & Descriptions:
Add-Ons - Indicates all add-on products included for a participant (shown as per product, per transaction).
Fees - Includes a total of all fees charged for a particular participant (shown as per product, per transaction).
Is Checked In - 'Yes' or 'No' label to indicate whether or not the participant has been checked in for a booked activity.
Price - The base price charged for the activity booked by a participant (not including fees, add-ons, taxes, etc.).
Price Label - The price label associated with the price charged for an activity (to make distinctions between ticket types, such as child vs. adult, peak season vs. standard, etc.).
Promotion Discount - The total dollar amount of any promotions utilized by a particular participant, for a specific product.
Quantity - The number of tickets purchased for a particular participant.
Refund Cancellation Fee Amount - The total dollar amount of any fees charged for a cancellation (e.g., $25.00), for a particular participant, at the product level.
Service Fee - Buyer - Represents the portion of service fees charged that were paid by the customer.
Service Fee - Seller - Represents the portion of service fees charged that were paid by the seller (i.e, your shop).
Service Fee - Total - The total amount of all services fees charged. This includes fees paid by both buyers and sellers, combined.
Status - The current standing of a specific participant's transaction (e.g., Paid, Refunded, Balance Due), at the product level.
Sub Total - The subtotal for any products and add-ons purchased for a particular participant, per transaction (i.e., price excluding any applicable taxes and/or fees).
Taxes - The total amount of all taxes included for a specific participant, on a particular transaction, for a particular product.
Total - The full product total, including any add-ons, taxes and/or fees that were charged. This is specific to a participant, per product, per transaction.
Voucher Value - The total amount of a voucher used for the purchase of a product, by a specific participant.
Add-On Fields
Add-on fields are found at the Add-On level only, under Report Criteria in the Report Generator.
Add-On Fields & Descriptions:
Fees - Any transactional fees associated with a product add-on.
Name - The shop-created label given to describe an add-on.
Price - The base price charged for an add-on (not including fees, add-ons, taxes, etc.).
Promotion Discount - The total dollar amount of any promotions used to purchase an add-on.
Quantity - The number of add-ons added to a particular transaction (per participant, per product).
Service Fee - Buyer - Represents the portion of service fees that were paid by the customer.
Service Fee - Seller - Represents the portion of service fees that were paid by the seller (i.e, your shop).
Service Fee - Total - The total amount of all services fees. This includes fees paid by both buyers and sellers, combined.
Sub Total - The subtotal for any add-ons purchased for a particular participant, per transaction (i.e., add-on price excluding any applicable taxes and/or fees).
Taxes - The total amount of all taxes applied to a participant's add-ons (per product, per transaction).
Total - The full add-on total, including any taxes and/or fees that applied specifically to the add-on(s). This is listed per participant, per product, per transaction.
Charge Fields
Charge fields are found at the Charge level only, under Report Criteria in the Report Generator.
Charge Fields & Descriptions:
Available to Refund - The amount of a charge that is currently accessible for reimbursement. This number will differ from the Amount field (see description below) when any portion of the total charge has already been refunded.
Amount - The total amount charged, which includes any taxes and/or fees.
Card Brand - The type of card used for the transaction (e.g., Visa, Amex, Mastercard, Discover, etc.).
Card Last 4 Digits - Lists the final four digits of the credit or debit card that was used to complete a transaction.
Gateway Processing Fee - The total fee charged by payment services to process the transaction.
Pay Key - A payment gateway key which can be used to lookup the payment / charge within the gateway.
Payment Method - The method of payment used to collect funds for a charge. Examples include:
- API - applies to any booking purchased through Viator or Get Your Guide.
- Cash
- Gift card
- MA - applies to manually-added transactions. These are created via the back office when 'Other' is selected as the payment method.
- Not Applicable - applies to any booking or merchandise item purchased free of charge
- Stripe
Amount Refunded - The total amount reimbursed to a customer, including any taxes and/or fees.
Refund Date - Includes the weekday, month, day, year and time that refund was processed on a transaction (e.g., Friday, February 25, 2022 8:28 AM).
Submitted At - Includes the weekday, month, day, year and time that a charge was submitted for processing (e.g., Monday, March 7, 2022 1:43 PM).
Submitted By - Includes the name of the individual who processed the charge for a transaction.
Taxes & Fees Fields
Taxes & Fees fields are found in each of the following report levels, under Report Criteria in the Report Generator:
- Transaction
- Product
- Participant
Taxes & Fees Fields & Descriptions:
All Taxes & Fees fields that are displayed for use in the report generator correspond to those taxes and/or fees that have been created specifically for the products in your shop. To create new tax rates or fees, see our article Advanced Product Configurations: Tax Rates and Fees.
Question Fields
Question fields are found in each of the following report levels, under Report Criteria in the Report Generator:
- Transaction
- Product
- Participant
Question Fields & Descriptions:
All Question fields that are displayed for use in the report generator correspond to the questions that have been created uniquely for the products in your shop. To create new questions, see our article Collecting Customer Demographics using Questions. Note that the report level and how the question is configured to be asked must align. For example, a name question that is configured to be asked 'Once Per Participant' would display as blank for a report configured with a report level of 'Transaction'.