Scheduled activities are products or events that have a specific start and end time. Creating Scheduled Activities on TRYTN is a 3-step process: 1) Basic Settings, 2) Schedule Settings, and 3) Advanced Settings. This particular article covers Step 1, the Basic Settings for creating a scheduled activity.
This article covers the following topics:
Related Articles:
Creating New Products
To start adding scheduled activities to your shop, first, log in and navigate to Products > Scheduled and click on the green +Add button, or simply click here. On this 'Basic Settings' page, you will enter basic information about your activity.
You are required to enter content for the following fields:
- Title
- Description
- Product Image
In addition, the following optional fields allow for more detailed information on your activity:
- Location
- Subtitle
- Short Description
- Sub-Description
Note: you can copy and paste text into any of basic settings fields (using a shortcut to paste the text):
- Shortcut to paste text: Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (macOS)
Once you are satisfied with the basic information you have entered on this page, click to Save changes and proceed to Schedule Settings.
Adding Sub-Descriptions
To add sub-descriptions for any of your scheduled activities, follow the links to Products > Scheduled. From here, follow the steps below:
- Click the Actions dropdown for your desired product and select Basic Settings.
- In the 'Product Details' section, you will see a list of all sub-descriptions that have been created for this activity. Simply click the blue box labeled +Add Sub-Description to create a new sub-description.
3. From here, you will see a field to enter a required title and description.
Note that you can easily include links to websites, documents or videos in the sub-description section by clicking the symbol pointed out in the image below.
4. Next, determine if you want your sub-description to be included in the receipts emailed to your customers at purchase. If so, indicate this selection by clicking the associated checkbox (as shown below).
5. Finally, determine if you want your sub-description to be kept private from the booking experience. Private sub-descriptions will only be visible to sales associates and via email (if the email receipts checkbox is selected).
6. When are changes are complete, scroll to the bottom of the page to Save changes.
Adding Product Images
To add an image to a scheduled activity, follow the links to Products > Scheduled. Scroll down toward the bottom of the page to the section titled Product Images. Then, click the blue box labeled +Select Images.
For Images Already Uploaded to your Image Gallery:
From the Image Gallery tab, simply click an image to enlarge it and view the image details. To select this image for your activity, click +Add Image > Done.
The image you selected will then be displayed on the Basic Settings page for your product. Be sure to Save Changes so your new image settings for the activity are retained.
To Upload a New Image:
To add an image that is not yet in your Image Gallery, click the Upload tab at the top of the image overlay.
From here, click Choose File to select the image you wish to upload. The recommended image dimensions are 720px by 300px, and the maximum file size is 3Mb. Note: If you are unable to upload an image, we recommend using to condense the file (see Compressing Large Image Files).
Once you've opened your image, you'll need to position and crop it to fit into the rectangular format used on our site. When you are finished, select Save Changes.
Your image will now appear with the other images under the Image Gallery tab. Simply select the image from this tab and click +Add Image > Done.
The newly uploaded image will now be displayed on the Basic Settings page for your product. Be sure to Save Changes so the new image is saved for this product.
When you have completed the information on the Basic Settings tab, see the next article, Creating Scheduled Activities - Schedule Settings to continue.