On TRYTN, the process of creating Scheduled Activities takes place over 3 steps: 1) Basic Settings, 2) Schedule Settings, and 3) Advanced Settings. This particular article covers Step 2, Schedule Settings for scheduled activities (activities with a defined start and end time). Under Schedule Settings, you can configure time slots for your activity, including recurrence settings, pricing, and capacity.
This article covers the following topics:
- Add a Time Slot
- Establish Time Offerings
- Create Recurrence Settings
- Determine Pricing
- Set Capacity Limits
- Editing Schedule Settings
Related Articles:
Add a Time Slot
Once you've completed the Basic Settings tab for your activity and clicked to Save Changes, you will automatically move to the Schedule Settings tab.
On the Schedule Settings page, you will see a table of available time slots for your activity. To add a new time slot, click the +Add button on this page.
To edit an existing time slot, find the time you wish to update from the Time Slots table, and then click Edit under the associated Actions menu.
Next, you will start the 4-step process for creating your time slot, starting with Step 1: Offered Times. The individual topics in this article provide more information for each of the steps on the Schedule Settings page: 1) Offered Times, 2) Recurrence Settings, 3) Prices and 4) Capacity.
Note: If you are creating a new activity, you will see a sample time already created for you. Using the Actions menu for this time, you can select Edit to update this sample time slot to fit your activity, or you can select Actions > Unpublish, followed by Actions > Delete to remove the sample and start over with a new one.
Establish Time Offerings
Section 1 of Schedule Settings is where you will indicate the Offered Times for your activity.
Each checkbox and field is explained in detail below:
1. Flexible Start Time:
Flexible scheduled activities include a specific date but don't have a set start and end time. Select 'This Activity has a Flexible Start Time' to remove the fields for Start and End time on this page. This allows customers to purchase an activity for a specific date, with no specific time indicated.
2. Start Time:
Enter the time of day the activity begins.
3. End Time:
Enter the time of day the activity ends.
4. Purchase Cut Off Hours:
Here you will enter the minimum number of hours before the activity start time that this activity can be purchased. Note: Once the time specified has passed, your activity will no longer be available for purchase.
Example: Enter the number “24” if the activity can be purchased up to 24 hours prior to its scheduled start time. If the activity is scheduled for 1 pm, no additional tickets can be purchased after 1 pm the previous day.
5. Multi-Day Event:
If your activity spans multiple days, check the box labeled 'This is a multi-day event.' When checked, you have the option to indicate the number of nights included in the activity (Example: 2 days/1 night) by clicking the checkbox labeled 'Display 'night(s)' label.' Finally, you will enter the Duration of event in days, up to 31 days, which should indicate the number of days the event spans.
When all fields are complete, click Save & Continue to move on to section 2: Recurrence Settings.
Note: When creating multiple time slots, there is a the limit of 50 time slots per product.
Create Recurrence Settings
Section 2 of Schedule Settings is where you will create Recurrence Settings for your activity. This includes identifying which days of the week your activity will occur and setting any applicable recurrence patterns.
Each checkbox and field is explained in detail below:
1. One-Time Event:
Check this box to indicate that your event or activity will occur only one time, on the date you select. (For example, a one-time event that only occurs on 5/10/22.)
2. Event Days of the Week:
Here you will Indicate the days of the week when your event occurs. Select all that days that apply (Green boxes indicate the day is Selected), or click to Select All. Days can be de-selected by re-clicking them (Grey boxes indicate an Unselected day).
3. Recurrence Start Date:
Enter the date when you would like the recurrence pattern to begin for this activity. This date impacts the recurrence schedule only; it does not indicate the start date for the activity, overall.
4. Recurrence End Date:
Enter the date when you would like the recurrence pattern to end for this activity. This date impacts the recurrence schedule only; it does not indicate the end date for the activity, overall. If this field is left blank, the activity will continue indefinitely.
5. Recur Every X Weeks:
This setting indicates the recurrence pattern for this activity. Simply enter the number of weeks between activity dates. For an event that occurs on a weekly basis, you would enter a “1” into this field. For an event that occurs on a bi-weekly basis, you would enter a “2.”
6. Seasonal Activity:
Check this box to indicate that your event or activity will occur on a seasonal schedule (e.g., a summer event that runs May 1-August 31 only). Seasonal schedules are set up to run annually from the start month/day to the end month/day.
Recurrence Setting Examples
Example 1: Weekly Schedules
Let's say you want to schedule an activity every week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
- For the event days, check Monday, Wednesday and Friday. These should all be indicated in green.
- Set your start and end dates for the recurrence series.
- For the Recur Every X Weeks field, enter “1” to set this recurrence to occur every (1) week.
Example 2: Bi-Monthly Schedules
Let's say you want to schedule an activity on the last Friday of the month, every other month.
- For the event days, check Friday only. Friday should be the only day indicated in green.
- Set your start and end dates for the recurrence series.
- For the Recur Every X Weeks field, enter “8” to set this recurrence to occur every 8 weeks (or 2 months).
Example 3: Seasonal Schedules
Seasonal schedules run annually from the start month/day to the end month/day. Let’s say you want to set a seasonal schedule for every other Saturday.
- For the event days, check Saturday only. Saturday should be the only day indicated in green.
- Set your start and end dates for the recurrence series.
- For the Recur Every X Weeks field, enter “2” to set this recurrence to occur every 2 weeks (or every other Saturday).
When all fields are complete, click Save & Continue to move on to section 3: Pricing.
If time slots "expire" they will be moved to the bottom under Past Time Slots. These are times slots with a recurrence time slot in the past. These times can be republished and edited if needed by clicking on the "+" and then Actions > Publish. From here the date can be edited as needed.
Determine Pricing
Section 3 of Schedule Settings is where you will indicate the Prices for your activity.
Each checkbox and field is explained in detail below:
1. Price Label:
The Price Label is a short name used to describe each pricing level associated with your activity. A separate Price Label must be added for all individual levels of pricing (e.g., Adult Ticket vs. Child Ticket or Individual vs. Group Rate).
2. Amount:
In the Amount field, enter the cost associated with the price label you're creating.
+Advanced Price Options
3. Hide Price from Website Purchases:
Select this checkbox to activate hidden pricing. When checked, this price and price label will be hidden on the website during purchase. This option is useful for early bird pricing or in situations where special pricing is available to operators, agents, or affiliates booking on behalf of customers.
4. Deposit-Only at Time of Purchase:
Select this checkbox to activate deposit-only (i.e., partial-pay) pricing. When checked, customers are only required to pay a deposit at the time of purchase to secure a spot in the activity. The outstanding balance can be settled based on shop preferences:
- Timing: In advance of the activity, on day of activity, etc.
- Method: Charge payment method used to book, use a different payment method, cash, check, etc.
If selected, you must also enter the Deposit Amount, or the amount the customer must pay upon initial purchase.
5. Minimum Quantity Required:
Select this checkbox to require a minimum number of participants in order to book at this price. This option is useful if offering a group rate when the number of participants hits or exceeds your minimum group rate quantity.
Example: Imagine you have an individual and group rate. You will want to limit the quantity so that customers can only purchase the group rate if they book the required number of participants in their group.
If selected, you must enter the Minimum Quantity Required, which is the minimum number of participant bookings required to purchase at this price.
Example: If you want to offer a group rate for 10+ participants, enter “10” in this field. For this example, the purchase dropdown will start at 10 and customers will not be able to book fewer than 10 participants to purchase at this rate.
Note: Descriptive price labels are important if you are using this feature, to ensure customers know to book a given price based on this restriction.
6. Maximum Quantity Required:
Select this checkbox to require a maximum number of participants in order to book at this price. This option is useful when you want to force customers to purchase at a specific price if the number of tickets purchased falls below your pre-determined number required to receive a group rate.
Example: Imagine you have an individual and group rate. You would want to limit the quantity entered for the individual rate so that customers are not allowed to buy once they qualify for the group rate.
If selected, you must enter the Maximum Quantity Required, which indicates the maximum number of participant bookings a customer can buy for this price. Entering “0” will close out the price entirely.
Example: If you offer a group rate to 10+ participants, you only want to show the individual (non-group) rate to customers purchasing 9 or fewer tickets. For this example, the purchase dropdown will show the numbers 1-9 only. If a customer wishes to purchase more than 9 tickets, they should instead enter their ticket quantity under group rate pricing.
7. Allow Adjustable Pricing on Internal Sales:
Select this checkbox to allow internal users to modify the price that will be paid during checkout. This does not impact public facing purchases. This is turned on by default if you have the preference turned on to enable this by default. It can always be turned off or on at a case by case basis.
8. Enable strike thru pricing
Select this checkbox to display a price discount on public facing bookings. The price amount will be displayed as if it were discounted by the discount amount that you must enter.
Example: With a 100.00 price set and enable strike thru pricing selected and a 10.00 entered for the discount amount the following will be displayed to customers.
Continue to create multiple price labels, as needed, by clicking +Add on the Pricing screen. When all price labels are complete, click Continue to Capacity to move on to section 4: Capacity.
Set Capacity Limits
Section 4 of Scheduled Settings is for setting the Capacity allowance for your activity.
Each field is explained in detail below:
1. Capacity:
In the Capacity field, enter the maximum number of spaces available during the designated time slot for your activity. Leave this field blank if no capacity is required.
2. Allow bookings within cut off window if previous purchase has been made?
Check this box if you will permit reservations during the cut-off window only if a prior purchase has been completed.
3. Allow bookings after start time?
Check this box if you will allow this activity to be purchased after it's scheduled start time. (ie: a group tour begins at 10:00am but I will allow people to purchase the tour until 10:30am. I will check this box and for "Time Product Remains Available After Start Time", I will choose 30 mins.)
4. Asset Management Strategy:
Under Asset Selection, use the dropdown menu to select an Asset Management Strategy for this activity and time slot. Descriptions for each asset option are included below:
- None - indicates that assets are not utilized for this activity.
- Allow Single Use During Set Time (Up To Time Slot Capacity) - Use this option when you are sharing inventory but wish to allow multiple bookings until the resource is used up.
Example: Consider a scenario where you offer two boat activities with a single boat with a capacity for 15 people. In this case, at the time of the first booking for Boat Tour B, Boat Tour A will become unavailable. Boat Tour B will continue to be sold until it is at capacity.
If selected, you must enter the following details:
Selected Assets
Click the Selected Assets field to see a list of all assets added to your shop. Select all assets assigned to support this activity and they will be shown in green. To remove an unneeded asset, simply click the associated 'x' to de-select it. (Note: To add a new asset, see Assets article.)
Buffer Before (in minutes)
In this field, enter the amount of buffer time needed to block off the use of your asset before your activity starts. This amount of time (in minutes) indicates how long prior to your activity the asset will be considered 'in use' so there is no overlap in booking your asset and you will have it ready in plenty of time for the activity. Leaving this field blank indicates that no buffer time is needed.
Buffer After (in minutes)
Enter the amount of buffer time needed to block off the use of your asset after your activity ends. This amount of time (in minutes) indicates how long after your activity the asset will be considered 'in use' so there is no overlap in booking your asset for the next activity. Leaving this field blank indicates that no buffer time is needed.
- Shared Quantity - This option is useful when you are running activities from a pooled inventory.
Example: Consider a scenario in which you operate two segway tours during the same time and have 30 segway vehicles total in your shop. In this case, both activity time slots will pull from the same segway unit capacity. If Segway Tour A has 20 participants, that means Segway Tour B only has a potential of 10 segways to operate with.
If selected, you must enter the following details:
Selected Assets
Click the Selected Assets field to see a list of all assets added to your shop. Select all assets assigned to support this activity and they will be shown in green. To remove an unneeded asset, simply click the associated 'x' to de-select it. (Note: To add a new asset, see Assets article.)
Buffer Before (in minutes)
In this field, enter the amount of buffer time needed to block off the use of your asset before your activity starts. This amount of time (in minutes) indicates how long prior to your activity the asset will be considered 'in use' so there is no overlap in booking your asset and you will have it ready in plenty of time for the activity. Leaving this field blank indicates that no buffer time is needed.
Buffer After (in minutes)
Enter the amount of buffer time needed to block off the use of your asset after your activity ends. This amount of time (in minutes) indicates how long after your activity the asset will be considered 'in use' so there is no overlap in booking your asset for the next activity. Leaving this field blank indicates that no buffer time is needed.
When complete, click Save and Continue at the bottom of the screen. You will then see your time slot added to the Time Slots table on the Schedule Settings page. You can continue to create additional time slots, if needed, by selecting +Add and repeating this process.
To view your time slots on the calendar, click View Schedule Preview.
You can also interact with the calendar view to make sure your time slots appear as you wish.
Once you have all time slots in place, click Continue to Advanced Settings. Visit our Advanced Settings article for help completing this section.
Edit Schedule Settings
To make edits to Schedule Settings for an existing activity, navigate to your scheduled product from the Products link in the TRYTN site navigation. Then click the associated Actions menu and select Schedule Settings for your activity.
From here, follow the instructions outlined in the following topics within this article for help on each Schedule Settings section: