Consider a scenario in which you have an activity where the start time is likely to vary (in the case of a sunset cruise, for example, where sunset times change throughout the year). When creating this type of activity on TRYTN, you can easily set up this scheduling variation under the Scheduled Activities Schedule Settings tab. Here's how:
STEP 1: Navigate to Schedule Settings
For a New Activity
If you need to create a new activity, start with this article: Creating Scheduled Activities - Basic Settings. Once the activity's basic settings tab is complete, move to Step 2 below.
For an Existing Activity
To make edits to Schedule Settings for an existing activity, navigate to your scheduled product from the Products link in the TRYTN site navigation. Then click the associated Actions menu and select Schedule Settings for your activity.
STEP 2: Set Up Variable Start Time
On the Schedule Settings page, you will see a table of available time slots for your activity. This is where you will create as many start times as needed to account for possible timing variations. Get started by clicking the +Add button on this page. (Or, to edit an existing time slot, find the time you wish to update from the Time Slots table, and then click Edit under the associated Actions menu.)
Next, you will set up your first time slot, starting with Section 1: Offered Times. Here, you will enter the unique Start Time and End Time for your first schedule variation. For this scenario, we have created a sunset cruise running from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm for the month of April when sunset occurs around 7:40 pm in our example location.
To complete the Offered Times section, add the required purchase cutoff timing and select any other variables that apply to this particular event. When finished, select Save and Continue.
Next, under Section 2: Recurrence Settings, identify which days of the week your activity will occur, set recurrence patterns, and select any applicable checkboxes. For our example scenario, we set this particular schedule to run on weekends only throughout the month of April. (Note: See Scheduled Activities - Schedule Settings for more instructions on Recurrence settings, if needed.)
Next, under Section 3: Pricing, add the Price Label and Amount for your activity. (Note: For help with Pricing settings, see Scheduled Activities - Schedule Settings.) Click Save and Continue to save your pricing settings.
Note: If you charge different prices for ticket tiers (e.g., adult versus child tickets) you may need to create additional price labels (such as "Age 18+/Peak Season" and "Child/Peak Season"). You can do this by clicking on +Add and creating any necessary variations.
Finally, move on to Section 4: Capacity to set your activity's capacity limits and assign any asset needed for this particular scenario. Then click Save and Continue.
Your first scheduled timing will show up as follows on the Time Slots screen:
From here, you will need to complete the same process for any additional schedule variations for this activity. For our example scenario, we created variations to adjust our sunset cruise start and finish times based on the timing of the sunset. An example showing each of these time slots is included below.
That is all that's needed to include variable start and end times for your activity. For help completing the rest of the setup for your activity, see our article Scheduled Activities - Schedule Settings.
When each time slot is published, customers will see a different start and end time for the same activity based on the date selected for booking.