Promotions are stored in your Mailchimp ecommerce Store and are displayed in order details and in Mailchimp reporting. TRYTN has a concept of Promotions while Mailchimp has a concept of Promo Rules and Promo Codes. TRYTN will create Promo Rules and Promo Codes within Mailchimp automatically for you when you connect your Mailchimp account and will keep them in sync when changes are made. Within TRYTN the following mapping occurs:
A Promo Rule has to be created first. The following mapping occurs for TRYTN promotions to Promo Rules:
- Amount - positive decimal for a fixed promotion, a number between 0 and 1 for a percentage-based promotion
- Business Id (your unique TRYTN identifier)
- Description
- Id (unique TRYTN promotion identifier)
- Status - if the promotion is active or not
- Target - if the promotion applies to an order or to per item
- Type - if the promotion is a fixed amount or a percentage
Promo Codes are assigned to a Promo Rule. Within TRYTN there is a single promo code assigned to a promotion. Therefore, the mapping that occurs between TRYTN promotions for a Mailchimp Promo Code record is:
- Business Id (your unique TRYTN identifier)
- Promotion code
- Id (unique TRYTN promotion identifier)
- Status - if the promotion is active or not
At this time only promotions are attached as applied promotions in an order. Vouchers and Gift Certificates are not included.