Google Analytics is a popular solution to being able to collect complex analytics about your online traffic. Once an account is created and entered into the system it will automatically begin collecting detailed analytics about your users like: location, device/technology, traffic source, time on site, and the content the user viewed.
By default all of the general analytics that are included in the initial pageview request are supported. User timings, if supported by the client browser, will also be sent on the standard sampling rate. Since some businesses do not wish to track eCommerce data this is turned off by default. Check the Enable Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking checkbox to turn this on. All future purchases will then be tracked. It's important to note that additional set up is required on Google Analytics to support ecommerce tracking. Please visit this support document to learn how to set up ecommerce tracking.
Conversion Funnel Pages
Use this table assist in creating a conversion funnel and goal in Google Analytics.
Page Name | Page URL | Description |
TRYTN | Activities | /{SHOP_URL} | The product grid. Likely this is not a step in your conversion funnel. |
TRYTN | Event Details | /{SHOP_URL}/details/{ID} | The product details page. The suggestion is this is an optional first step in a conversion funnel. |
TRYTN | Checkout | /{SHOP_URL}/checkout | The first of three steps of the actual purchase path. |
TRYTN | Review Order | /{SHOP_URL}/review | The second of three steps of the actual purchase path. |
TRYTN | Payment Successful! | /{SHOP_URL}/success?id={TRANSACTION_D} | The last of the three steps of the actual purchase path. This is the page the user lands on upon a successful purchase |
Due to translations and other factors, it is recommended not to set up a funnel based on a page name but rather URL paths.
Add Google Analytics to TRYTN
Log into your TRYTN account. Navigate to Settings > Tracking and click on the blue +Add button.
Edit Existing Google Analytics within TRYTN
Log into your TRYTN account. Navigate to Settings > Tracking. Under the tracking implementations find the Google Ads Conversion ID you wish to modify. (Note: If you do not see any tracking implementations listed, you do not currently have any tracking implementations.)
Select Edit from the Actions menu and make the appropriate modifications. Be sure to Save any changes you make before leaving the page.
Remove Google Analytics from TRYTN
Log into your TRYTN account. Navigate to Settings > Tracking. Under the tracking implementations find the Google Analytics Conversion ID you wish to modify. (Note: If you do not see any tracking implementations listed, you do not currently have any tracking implementations.)
Select Delete from the Actions menu and the Google Analytics ID will be permanently removed from your account.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use multiple IDs?
In short, you shouldn’t. Google recommends creating various “views” within Google Analytics to filter and present relevant data. Keep one view as raw data and then create subsequent views with filtered data. An example is that of languages. If you wish to track English and Spanish languages independently you should create a view for each language and filter by language. This is how Google recommends to solve problems such as this.
I seem to be missing transactions or my revenue numbers aren’t what’s shown in the admin. Is this correct?
Yes, due to how Google Analytics tracking works it can sometimes not execute. Reasons vary but could be due to a user blocking tracking scripts, not having JavaScript enabled, or being on a slow connection and navigating away from the page before the tracking script has executed. It’s very common and acceptable to have about +/- 10% differential between actual and Google Analytics data. Business decisions based on revenue should always be made with data in the admin reports.