The following is a list of terms or phrases you may experience within the TRYTN system. This article is intended to help define what these terms mean.
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Abandoned Cart Email - An email that is sent when a customer adds one or more products to their cart and does not purchase. This email is an attempt to re-engage the customer to complete the purchase.
Add-On - Supplemental items which can be added once a product has been added to the cart. These could be single or multiple in quantity and could be required or optional.
Adjustable Pricing - An internal pricing concept, the ability to override a set price to a different price.
Affiliate - A third party that does not have access to the TRYTN system but sells products on your behalf. Sometimes earning a commission.
Allow Single Use During Set Time (Up to Time Slot Capacity) - An asset management strategy where multiple products can share the same asset but once one product has a purchase against it that one product can continue to receive bookings and all other products reduce in capacity.
AOV - Average Order Value
Attribute - A quality or defining feature of a product being offered. An example could be "Adult Only".
Attribute Group - A grouping of like attributes. An example: Length of Tour or Level of Difficulty.
Asset - A physical thing that is used to fulfill an activity: Examples: bikes or paddleboards.
Booking - A new order or transaction.
Buffer - A window of time before or after an activity is scheduled that it will remain unavailable after a purchase has been made. This is useful for staggered schedules with overlap to allow things like maintenance, sanitation, and refueling of assets between usages.
Buy One Get One Percentage Off - A promotion that applies when a customer adds two participants of a specific activity to their cart.
Category - A way to group products based on similar characteristics. An example could be "rafting trips".
Channel - The method the booking or transaction was made from. Examples include Direct and Back office.
Charge - A charge any amount of money that has been contributed towards a booking or transaction. Multiple charges can exist for a booking or transaction.
Choose a Date - A question type where the customer is presented a calendar and is asked to select a date. Example: what is your birthdate?
Choose an Existing Activity Date - A question type where the customer is presented a list of available occurrences for a given activity to select from. These selections remove capacity from the activity.
Closed Date - A date that the business is fully closed. Adding a closed date will prevent any bookings or transactions on that date from the consumer.
Custom Label - An area of text on the application that can be customized to fit your business.
Customer - An individual buyer of a booking or transaction.
Cut-Off - The time at which a booking or transaction can no longer be placed.
Dashboard - A collection of widgets which details various data points in various interfaces.
Deposit Only - A pricing strategy that allows you to collect a portion of the overall purchase price immediately and collect the rest at a later date.
Draft - An item that is pending. An example is a draft invoice. This is an invoice that has been saved but not sent to the customer.
Edit Transactions - A user role that enables the user to edit existing transactions. This allows the user to reschedule, cancel, refund, and charge additional to the customer.
Embedded Experience - A booking experience where your website hosts a script file that allows users to make purchases on the TRYTN system from your website.
Flexible Start Time - An activity that takes place on a specific date but not on a specific time.
Follow-Up Question - A question to ask a customer if a specific answer is given to a Select from a List of Responses question.
Free-Form Text - A question type which allows a customer to answer in a free-form manner.
Invoice - A cart that is sent to the customer to purchase on their own. Capacities are not removed from activity occurrences based on invoices.
Itinerary - Two or more linked bookings or transactions.
Lead Time - The amount of time between when a purchase was made and when the activity will be consumed.
Linked Transaction - Applying the buyer information and saved payment details (if turned on) of a previous transaction and linking it to a new transaction. The linking of multiple transactions creates an Itinerary.
Manage Activities and Schedules - A user role that enables the user to create, manage, and remove activity schedules.
Manage Shop Settings - A user role that enables the user to edit and manage various settings for the business including payment settings.
Manage Staff Assignments - A user role that enables the user to add, manage, and remove staff assignments on purchased activities.
Manifest - A collection of reports which contains details on a specific occurrence of a specific activity or event.
Modify Product Settings - A user role that enables the user to create, manage, and delete various product settings. Examples include tax rates, policies, and assets.
Notice - A message displayed to the customer at the top of the screen. Can be used for emergency closures or construction as an example.
Once Per Cart - A question setting that causes the system to ask a question once. If there are 2 activities and 2 participants under each activity the question will only be asked once. Example: How did you hear about us?
Once Per Cart Item - A question setting that causes the system to ask the question once per activity. If there is one activity and 2 participants added to the activity the question will be asked once. Example: Please select your second activity date.
Once Per Participant - A question setting that causes the system to ask the question once per participant added for the activity. If there are 2 participants added to the activity it will ask the question twice. Example: Participant Name.
One-Off Email - An email that isn't saved in the system of an ad-hoc nature.
Outstanding Balance - The amount still due on a booking or transaction. It's the total amount less the amount paid.
Partial Payment - A pricing strategy that allows you to collect a unique amount of money for a purchase upfront and collect the rest at a later date.
Payment Tag - A way to assign additional criteria to specific bookings or transactions used for reporting and refining.
Post-Activity - Occurs after a booking or transaction and after an activity has been consumed.
Post-Purchase - Occurs after a booking or transaction.
Pre-Activity - Occurs after a booking or transaction but before an activity has been consumed.
Promotion - Discount codes that can be applied to a purchase.
Receive Purchase Notifications - A user role that allows a user to receive both email and SMS text purchase communications.
Sales Representative - A user role that enables the user to have a point-of-sale type experience which allows the user to create new transactions and check customers in.
Seats Available - The number of seats remaining for purchase.
Seats Taken - The number of seats already purchased or taken from other products sharing the same asset.
Select from a List of Responses - A question type where a customer must select from a predefined list of responses.
Shared Quantity - An asset management strategy where multiple products assigned the same asset will share the capacity. As one product is purchased multiple products will reduce available capacity remaining.
Shop - A business in the system.
SMS - "Short Message Service", a plaintext cellular text message.
Strike Thru Pricing - A marketing strategy that shows a discount to the user if they purchase online.
Stripe Terminal - A physical card reader provided by the Stripe payment gateway to process in-person credit card payments.
Test Mode - The system allows for purchases using fake payment details but no actual money is exchanged.
Tracking Source Code - A way to track where purchases come from by use of the src url parameter for reporting.
Transaction- A new order or transaction.
Unit Label - A customizable text field representing a "participant". An example could be a car, boat, or participant.
User Driven - A saved communication that is only sent when an operator manually selects for it to be sent.
View and Run Reports - A user role that enables the user to view and run transactional reports.
View Transaction Details - A user role that enables the user to view various transaction details.
Voucher - A pre-purchased item of monetary value. Example: Groupon.
Widget (Dashboard) - An individual data point represented on a dashboard in a tabular or graphical way.
Widget (Embedding) - A small piece of functionality that can be embedded on a client site such as a calendar to add to cart or product card.