Your business account details are housed on TRYTN's Account Information page. This allows you to manage your basic account settings, shop logo, and other important information regarding your company.
This article covers the following topics:
- Updating Your Account Settings
- Creating Your Business Description
- Adding Phone Numbers
- Types of Phone Numbers
- Removing Phone Numbers
- Location
Related Articles:
- Business Contact Information and Other Business Settings
- Staff Setup & Management
- Creating and Managing Affiliates
- Your User Preferences
Updating Your Account Settings
To update the account information for your shop navigate to Settings > Account Information. On the left-hand side of the screen, you will see clickable sections (1-5) that you can click to expand and edit information for each subtopic.
As you include information under each section, be sure to save your work using the green Save buttons at the bottom of each screen.
Creating Your Business Description
Each shop on TRYTN is required to include a short description to tell customers about your business. The summary you provide appears on the "About and Contact" content page, as well as some links when shared on social media platforms. To enter your business description, navigate to Settings > Account Information. Under Business Information (tab #1), scroll down to find the Business Description field.
You are able to lightly format the text in this field and can include any information you wish. It's recommended to keep the description short (around 250 characters), but you are more than welcome to make it as short or long as you wish.
Adding Phone Numbers
Your business may or may not have multiple contact numbers, depending on the country or purpose of the number. Therefore, TRYTN supports the ability to add an unlimited number of phone numbers (or no phone number at all, if preferred). To add a phone number to your account Settings > Account Information > Contact Information (tab #2) and find the Phone Numbers section.
From here, click on Add Phone Number to reveal the fields shown below. Enter as many phone numbers as needed, and specify the type of phone number for each (for more info, see Types of Phone Numbers). Numbers can easily be deleted by clicking the Remove button.
When finished, select Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
Types of Phone Numbers
In order to provide more information about the various phone numbers entered into the system, we ask that each phone number be assigned a type. This is useful to the end-consumer to know which number is for what purpose and is required for each phone number entered. Below is a short description of each type.
- Office - main office line.
- Reservations - useful to indicate when a phone number is exclusive to a reservations desk.
- Toll Free - a number that a customer can call that does not cost money to make the call.
- Fax - a fax line.
- Other - for phone numbers that don't fit into other classifications.
Removing Phone Numbers
To remove a phone number from your account navigate to Settings > Account Information > Contact Information (tab #2) to view the Phone Numbers section. Find the number you wish to delete and click on the associated Remove button. Click to Save Changes at the bottom of the page and the phone number will no longer be included with your account details.
Each shop on TRYTN needs to list their business location. To update the location, edit the necessary information and click Save and Continue.