Your shop's payment details are housed on TRYTN's Payment Information page. From here, you can manage all payment settings, as well as include your cancellation policy.
NOTE: When any payment-related information is changed, a notification email will be sent to the email address associated with your TRYTN account.
This article covers the following topics:
- Creating a Cancellation Policy
- Informing Customers of Your Cancellation Policy
- Using PayPal to Collect Payments
- Using Stripe to Collect Payments
- Stripe Payouts
- Saving Payment Information in Stripe
- Pre-Authorizations in Stripe
- Test Mode
Related Articles:
Creating a Cancellation Policy
To create or edit your business's cancellation policy, simply navigate to Settings > Payment Information to find the Cancellation Policy field. From here, you can either copy and paste an existing cancellation policy from another document or website, or create a new one using the formatting tools provided for this text field.
When you have completed the entry of your cancellation policy, you have the option to require buyers to agree to this policy/policies at checkout by selecting the checkbox provided.
Be sure to click the Save Changes button before exiting the page to ensure your updates are saved.
Informing Customers of Your Cancellation Policy
Your shop's cancellation policy is automatically included in your customers' confirmation emails. However, you also have the option to add your cancellation policy during the checkout process.
Adding Your Cancellation Policy at Checkout
When a customer is about to make a purchase, you can get extra assurance that they are aware of your cancellation policy by requiring them to check the "accept terms" box. This can be selected as part of your payment settings under Settings > Payment Information (checkbox outlined below).
Using PayPal to Collect Payments
To set up your TRYTN account to collect funds through the PayPal platform, simply click here or navigate to Settings > Payment Information and scroll down to PayPal Payment Gateway Settings. Click the green + (plus sign) and then again to Connect to PayPal Marketplace.
Next, you will need to enter your email and follow the steps to connect your PayPal account to TRYTN.
When you have finished connecting your account, return to TRYTN save your payment settings by clicking on the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.
Using Stripe to Collect Payments
To set up your TRYTN account to collect funds through the Stripe platform, simply click here or navigate to Settings > Payment Information and scroll down to Stripe Payment Gateway Settings. Click the green + (plus sign) and then again to Connect with Stripe.
Next, you will need to enter your email and follow the steps to connect your Stripe account to TRYTN.
When you have finished connecting your account, return to TRYTN save your payment settings by clicking on the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.
Stripe Payouts
Payouts to your bank are set from within your Stripe account. Below, we have provided some high-level information and links to Stripe for more details.
Your First Stripe Payout
Click here to get Information from Stripe about the waiting period for the first payout.
Ongoing Stripe Payouts
If there are any other unexpected delays or reserves on Stripe payouts, we recommend logging into Stripe and contacting their support through chat, phone call or email to inquire if your account can be reviewed to remove/decrease payout delay/refund holds and recommended next steps. Their chat and phone customer support are 24/7 and you typically receive a response within a few minutes.
Info Required for Support
When you contact Stripe's support via chat, you will need to provide the following information for review of removed/decreased payout delay/refund holds:
- Business website URL/link
- Explanation of what you plan to sell through Stripe
- Refund policy link or text
- Typical customer and estimated average order amount
- Current or expected processing volume
- Current or expected chargeback/dispute rates
- Current or expected refunds rates
Saving Payment Information in Stripe
Your TRYTN account provides an option for you to save your customers' payment information within your Stripe account. To find this setting, navigate to Settings > Payment Information. Expand Stripe Payment Gateway Settings by clicking the green + (plus sign). This will reveal a checkbox labeled Save customer payment information within Stripe. Select this option and then Save Changes.
Pre-Authorizations in Stripe
Pre-auths are easy in Stripe. After a purchase is made through TRYTN, the customer along with their credit card info is available in Stripe to create a pre-authorization. From your Stripe account, go to Payments and click Payment, then click Customer Name > Actions > Create Payment and select Authorize Only.
Test Mode
When test mode is enabled you will be able to make purchases using ‘test’ card numbers. Your activity's capacity will be impacted. When in test mode you will not be able to accept ‘live’ payments. Transaction made in test mode will have '-TEST' at the end of the transaction identifier. Example test card numbers: 4242424242424242. Enter any 3 digits for the CVC and any future date for the expiration date.
When test mode is enabled dashboard will only show test transactions, if not enabled, the dashboard will only show live transactions.
When test mode is disabled, you can proceed with actual payments through TRYTN. Disable test mode when TRYTN links are live.
Go to Settings > Payment Information