To ensure compliance, your TRYTN account offers you the ability to assign taxes and fees to each your products and services for collection at customer checkout.
This article covers the following topics:
- Create a Tax Rate or Fee
- Edit a Tax Rate or Fee
- Archive a Tax Rate or Fee
- Translate a Tax Rate/Fee
- Assign Tax Rates to Your Products
- FAQs about Tax Rates and Fees
Related articles
Create a Tax Rate or Fee
To create a tax rate, log in to your TRYTN account, the navigate to Products > Settings > Tax Rates and Fees and select the Add button.
*To create a new tax rate from product Advanced Settings:
Go to your Scheduled Products and click Actions > Advanced Settings > Taxes > Add New Item
Or, if you are already logged in, you can simply click here.
Use the table below to fill in all necessary information on the form. Then select Save Changes.
Field | Explanation | Visible to End-User? | Example(s) |
Name* |
Yes, at checkout |
Description |
Yes, at checkout |
Amount* |
Yes, at checkout |
No |
No | N/A |
Once you save your first tax rate, continue this process for any additional tax rates you need to charge.
Edit a Tax Rate or Fee
Sometimes tax rates change. There are two strategies to implement these changes for your products on TRYTN:
OPTION 1: Create a New Tax Rate
You can create new tax rates and add these to your products at any time. See steps here.
OPTION 2: Modify an Existing Tax Rate
The other option is to simply modify your existing tax rates. By modifying existing rates, none of your products or add-ons need to be adjusted and the edit will be presented to the user on all subsequent purchases. To get started, navigate to Products > Settings > Tax Rates to find your list of current tax rates. If you do not see any active tax rates you may need to create a tax rate or all existing tax rates may be archived.
Select Edit from the Actions menu for the tax rate you wish to edit. Don' forget to save your changes when edits are complete.
Archive a Tax Rate or Fee
When you no longer need a tax rate from your active list, you have the ability to archive that tax rate. By archiving the tax rate it will no longer show up as an option when creating/editing products or add-ons.
STEP 1: Locate the Tax or Fee to Archive
To archive a tax rate, log in to your TRYTN account, navigate to Settings > Tax Rates and Fees and select the Add button. Or, if you are already logged in, you can simply click here.
STEP 2: Select Archive
Find the tax rate you wish to archive in the active list. Then click to view the Actions menu and select Archive.
It is important to note that any product or add-on that already has this tax rate applied to it will continue to use the tax rate until the rate has been removed from the product or add-on. Archived tax rates will not be available for selection for any new product or add-on created after the tax rate has been archived.
Translate a Tax Rate/Fee
See Publish Shop Content in Other Languages for details on how to translate a tax rates and fees.
Assign Tax Rate(s) to Your Products
As you add products to your TRYTN account, you have the ability to attach tax rates and/or fees individually by product, or you can elect for a rate/fee to be automatically applied to all new products.
To configure tax rates for individual products:
STEP 1: Locate Your Product
Use the Products link in the main site navigation to find an existing product from the list of your shop's active products. Once you find the product you're looking for, click Actions > Advanced Settings.
STEP 2: Open Tax/Fee Settings
On the left side of the page, select Taxes (option 2) to expand Advanced Settings for Taxes and Fees.
STEP 3: Add Applicable Taxes and/or Fees
Click the field under Applicable Taxes & Fees to view a list of all tax rates and fees created for your shop on TRYTN. Select any applicable taxes/fees to add them to the product. To remove any unwanted taxes/fees from the field, simply click the associated "x."
Once you have added/deleted all necessary tax rates and/or fees for your product, select Save Changes.
To configure tax rates for all new products:
When creating a new tax rate or fee, you have the option to select the following checkbox to automatically apply your tax rate/fee to any new product or add-on you create.
Any time the rate/fee does not apply, it can be easily removed when adding the product. However, you can also update this setting anytime by unchecking the default box. To do this, navigate to Settings > Tax Rates and Fees and find the tax rate you wish to update from the active list. Click the associated Actions menu > Edit. Click to remove the checked box and Save Changes to save your new setting for this rate/fee.
FAQs about Tax Rates and Fees
Am I required to create a tax rate or fee?
No, we offer tax rates/fees as an optional feature for you to use. If your business does not need to collect taxes, you are not required to use it.
Can I have more than one tax rate/fee?
Yes. TRYTN supports multiple tax rates/fees to offer the flexibility your business requires to operate.
Can I assign more than one tax rate/fee to a product or add-on?
Yes. We understand that some products may be subject to additional taxes that other products are not. Therefore, we offer the ability to assign multiple tax rates/fees to a given product.
Can I charge a flat amount instead of a calculated amount based on a percent for a tax/fee?
Yes, the TRYTN system allows you to charge both percentage-based and flat-fee amounts.
Can different products have different tax rates/fees?
Absolutely. Simply create your various tax rates/fees and assign different rates/fees to your different products.