Vouchers and their associated codes can be created on TRYTN to provide discounts for individual products or for all products shop-wide, depending on the type of discount you're looking to offer. These vouchers can be utilized for dollars off (e.g., $10 Off Snorkel Trips through 9/31), specific website discount codes (e.g., $40 for $20 Groupon Deal) or for situations when an activity has been cancelled (e.g., Reschedule Cruiser Boat Ride). To see a list of all current vouchers for your shop, visit Products > Settings > Vouchers.
This article covers the following topics:
- Create a Voucher
- Add Voucher Codes
- View Used Voucher Codes and Associated Transactions
- Edit an Existing Voucher
- Translate a Voucher
- Archive a Voucher
- Frequently Asked Questions about Vouchers
Create a Voucher
To create a voucher, log into your TRYTN account and navigate to Products > Settings > Vouchers > Add.
From here, complete the voucher form by entering the information outlined below:
- Name: The voucher Name is a required field and designates the internal name for your campaign. (For example: Fall 2021 Discount, or Reschedule 4-Hour Snorkel Excursion).
- Description: The Description field should be used to enter a short, public-facing description your customers will see when they apply your voucher code to their purchase.
- Max Uses: Under Max Uses, enter the maximum number of times this voucher can be used by a user before it is considered redeemed. For example, if you wish to allow a voucher code to be used only once, enter "1" in this field.
- Value: For voucher Value, you should enter the amount this voucher is worth at the time of purchase (i.e. the amount the voucher is redeemed for). For example, if a customer buys a voucher on a third-party site for $10 and it provides them $20 in value, this field should be set at “20.”
- Effective Date: The Effective Date for your voucher is the date the voucher will become effective. Typically, this is the start date of your marketing campaign (unless you will allow a previously purchased voucher to be used as part of this campaign).
- Expiration Value: The Expiration Value field is where you will enter the value your voucher is to retain after the code expires. Expiration value is required by some third-party services that sell vouchers. As an example, if a customer buys a $20 voucher for $10, entering a “10” in this field will mean the voucher will still retain a $10 value even after it expires.
- Expiration Date: Use the calendar to select the date your voucher campaign will end and the voucher will no longer be usable.
- Value to Shop: Here you will enter the amount your shop will receive when your voucher is redeemed.
- Eligible Products: If your voucher is only applicable to specific shop items, use the dropdown menu to select each of the products or events that the voucher is valid for. If the voucher is applicable to all products in your shop, simply leave this field blank.
- New Blackout Date: Click this field to select any applicable blackout dates for this voucher using the calendar.
- Blackout Dates: Once you add a blackout date for your voucher, it will be displayed here. Dates can be removed by simply clicking on the "x" associated with the date you no longer need.
- Save Changes: Once all required fields (marked with an asterisk) have been completed, click Save Changes to complete your voucher settings. Selecting Cancel will discard your changes and your voucher will not be created.
Now you're ready to set up the voucher codes your customers can use to redeem your voucher. See Add Voucher Codes for instructions.
Add Voucher Codes
To assign codes to your vouchers, navigate to Products > Settings > Vouchers. (Note: If you haven't already, you must first create your voucher). Once you've added your voucher, click save and you will be sent to the codes page (see image below). Note: Any archived voucher will need to be restored before a code can be added.
From the Voucher - Codes screen, you can enter voucher or gift card codes manually, copy and paste existing codes, or generate random codes using the blue # Generate 100 Random Codes button.
Once your codes have been entered, click Save Changes to retain your voucher updates.
View Used Voucher Codes and Associated Transactions
To view all redeemed codes for a specific voucher, navigate to Products > Settings > Vouchers. Locate an active voucher and click the associated Actions menu to select Codes. Note: If your voucher is archived, you will need to restore it before used codes can be accessed.
From the Vouchers - Codes screen, you will see a section called Used Codes toward the bottom of the page.
For each redeemed code in this list, you will see voucher and activity details, as well as a clickable Transaction ID. You can click on the ID number in the Used Codes list to view the Transaction Details for the purchase during which your voucher was redeemed.
Edit an Existing Voucher
To modify an existing voucher, navigate to Products > Settings > Vouchers from your TRYTN account. Locate the voucher you wish to edit from either the Active Vouchers or Archived Vouchers table.
For Archived Vouchers:
You must click Actions > Restore to make the voucher active before you will be able to make edits.
Once your voucher is in the Active Vouchers list:
Select Edit from the Actions menu. You will then be presented with a form showing all current settings for your voucher. As you make edits, see our Create a Voucher topic for more information on each input field.
Expired vouchers can be found in "Expired Voucher Campaigns" below the current vouchers. You can edit and update effective date and expiration date to restore them or they can be archived. (see image)
Translate a Voucher
See Publish Shop Content in Other Languages for details on how to translate your vouchers.
Archive a Voucher
To archive a voucher, log into your TRYTN account and navigate to Products > Settings > Vouchers. Find the voucher you wish to archive from the Active Vouchers table and select Archive from the Actions menu. The voucher will then be removed from the active section and placed into the archived section on this page.
What happens when I archive a voucher?
Archiving a voucher prevents it from being edited, which means no additional products can be added or removed from the voucher. Archived vouchers are not redeemable.
How do I reactivate an archived voucher?
If you need an archived voucher in the future, you can easily reactivate it. Simply locate the voucher in the Archived Vouchers table and click Actions > Restore. The voucher will be added back into the active section.
Frequently Asked Questions about Vouchers
Can a voucher be used more than once?
Yes, you can set up your voucher campaign to allow voucher codes to be used only once or multiple times (the number may be specified).
Can I see which voucher codes have been used?
Yes, simply navigate to Products > Settings > Vouchers and select Codes from the Actions menu.
On the Vouchers - Codes page, you will see which codes have been used and find additional details about those purchases.
I don't see where to create or manage vouchers. Where can I find this information?
You can view and manage all vouchers from the voucher settings page at Products > Settings > Vouchers. Not all users have access to this feature and not all shops have this feature enabled. If you wish to utilize this feature and do not already have access, please open a support ticket and let us know.
How does the effective and expiration date impact different types of products?
For a scheduled activities the start date must fail with between the effective and expiration dates to be valid. For unscheduled activities and merchandise the purchase date must fail with between the effective and expiration dates to be valid.