When using TRYTN, you need to first add product images to your Image Gallery. The Image Gallery serves as a repository for all the pictures that are uploaded and active in your shop account. Once the images are included in the gallery, you have the flexibility to attach them to various elements such as product categories, individual products or activities, and even email communications.
This article covers the following topics:
- Upload an Image
- Add or Edit Image Meta Data
- Archive an Image
- Edit Image Details
- Creating Images in Rectangle Dimensions
- Compressing Large Image Files
- Assigning Images to Products
- Frequently Asked Questions about Images
Related Articles:
- Custom Communications Setup (see the topic titled Add an Image to an Email Template)
Upload an Image
To add an image to your Image Gallery, log into your TRYTN account and navigate to Settings > Image Gallery.

Click on Choose File to select the image you wish to upload. The recommended dimensions are 720px by 300px and the maximum file size is 3Mb. Note: If you are unable to upload an image, we recommend using tinypng.com to condense the file (see Compressing Large Image Files).
Once you've opened your image, you'll need to position and crop your image to fit into the rectangular format used on our site. When you are finished, select Save Changes. If you navigate away before saving, or select Cancel, the image will not be saved and therefore won't be available for selection.
Once saved, your image will appear under the table of Available Images in the Image Gallery, found at Settings > Image Gallery.
See the next topic in this article to add details, including a title, description or keywords, to your uploaded image.
Add or Edit Image Meta Data
Once you've uploaded an image to your shop's Image Gallery, you have the ability to add image details, or Meta Data, to tag your images a title, description, and keywords.
To get started, navigate to Settings > Image Gallery and locate the image you want to update from the Available Images table.
Note: You can identify images that already have associated Meta Data by clicking the green + beside the image to expand the image details (see below for an example).
To add or edit Meta Data for an image, first locate the image from the table and then click the adjacent Actions menu to expand the options. From here, simply select the Meta Data link.
This will take you to the Image Details page where you can enter a Meta Title, Meta Description, and Meta Keywords for your image.
Each field provided on the Image Details form is explained below:
1. Meta Title:
The Meta Title should be a short, easily recognizable name used to describe your image. Assigning a Meta Title to your image will help you easily search for a specific image when attaching images to products, product categories, or emails. Meta Data may also be displayed to customers in the form of alternate text (i.e. a short descriptor) if an image does not load properly or in situations where a screen reader is utilized. In the example image shown above, the Meta Title "Scuba Diving" is used.
2. Meta Description:
Adding a Meta Description allows you to provide more detail about your image. This information can also be used in the Image Gallery to help filter/search for images. In the example image shown above, the Meta Description "Two scuba divers in tropical waters" is used.
3. Meta Keywords:
Meta Keywords are descriptive keywords used for image filtering and search, which can consist of common themes, names of assets, colors, or seasons. The keywords you include can be words only, or they can be delimited with commas, tabs, colons, etc. In the example image shown above, the following Meta Keywords are used: scuba divers, diving, tropical fish, underwater, boat dive, coral, system, and TRYTN.
Once you have completed the meta data fields you wish to include, make sure you click to Save Changes so your updates are retained.
Archive an Image
To archive an image, log into your TRYTN account and navigate to Settings > Image Gallery. Under the Available Images table, find the image you'd like to archive. Then, click the associated Actions menu and select Archive. The image will be removed from the available section and placed into the Archived Images table on this page. Note that you can only archive an image if it is not used on a product.
What happens when I archive an image?
Archiving an image prevents it from being selected as part of the product configuration. IMPORTANT: Images that are already attached to a product will continue to be shown as part of that product unless specifically removed.
How do I reactivate an archived image?
If you need an archived image in the future, you can easily reactivate it. Simply locate the image in the Available Images table and click Actions > Restore. The image will be added back into the active section and available for selection on your products.
Edit Image Details
You can easily update the image details, or Meta Data, attached to your product images by navigating to Settings > Image Gallery from your TRYTN account. From here, locate the image you want to edit, click to expand the associated Actions menu and select Meta Data.
Once on the Image Details screen, you can make any needed changes to the fields provided for Meta Title, Meta Description, and Meta Keywords. To see descriptions for each of these fields, check out the subtopic Upload an Image, also found within this article.
Be sure to click Save Changes to ensure your edits are retained.
Creating Images in Rectangle Dimensions
If you're having difficulty resizing your images to meet TRYTN's rectangular dimension criteria, you can consider using Pixlr. Pixlr is a free online photo editor that can assist you in creating the desired image with ease, following just a few simple steps.
STEP 1: Visit Pixlr.com and select PIXLR E photo editor, shown below.
STEP 2: Select "Create New."
STEP 3: On the right side of the overlay, enter the following details for your image, and then click Create.
STEP 4: Click the + in the right navigation pane, choose Image, and then select the image you want to upload.
STEP 5: Drag your image to the preferred position within the rectangle.
STEP 6: Click File in the top navigation and select Save.
That's it! Now you're ready to upload your photo to your TRYTN account.
Compressing Large Image Files
The maximum image file size you can upload on TRYTN is 3Mb. If your file is too large, you can use TinyPNG to condense it. Here's how:
STEP 1: Visit TinyPNG.com and drag your file to the boxed area or click the arrow (indicated below) to add your image. As long as your file is 5MB or smaller, you don't have to create an account.
STEP 2: From here, simply download your compressed file and upload it to your TRYTN account.
Assigning Images to Products
Once you've uploaded an image to your TRYTN Image Gallery, you're ready to start assigning that image to your products. To get started, you must first locate the existing product you have in mind.
While logged in to your TRYTN account, use the left navigation to select the product type (found under Products). Note that an image is required when creating a product, so there will already be an image attached to your product. The instructions below will assist you in updating that image with a new one of your choosing.
Note: You can also follow the steps below to assign an image to a Product Category by navigating to Products > Settings > Categories.
STEP 1: Once you've identified your product, expand that product's Actions menu and select Basic Settings.
STEP 2: Find the section of the page titled Product Images and click the + Select Images button.
STEP 3: Select the image you wish to use from your Image Gallery (or search using image meta data you included with your upload). The image you click will appear larger on the right side of the page overlay. Click + Add Image to add your selection.
STEP 4: De-select any images you don't want to leave attached to this product. (Note: All selected images are indicated with a circled checkmark). Do this by clicking the unwanted image, which will then appear on the right side of the page overlay. Then select Remove Image. When you have all the images you want selected/de-selected, click Done to close the editing overlay.
STEP 5: From here, be sure to click Save Changes from the product's Basic Settings screen to ensure your image is attached.
Frequently Asked Questions about Images
Are there any file size restrictions for images?
Yes, the maximum file size we support is 3Mb.
What are the recommended dimensions of an image?
For product/category images, we recommend 720px wide by 300px tall.
What file types are supported?
JPEG, GIF, and PNG are all supported.
Do I need any special software to manipulate images in the system?
We support the ability to crop images when uploaded. Third-party software is required for any additional modifications outside of this.
Why does the image I uploaded look blurry?
Images that are smaller than the recommended dimensions will be resized to those dimensions. Therefore, images that are too small will lose quality and look blurry. To fix this, please upload a larger resolution image.