On TRYTN, your shop's transaction details page offers you the ability to search all transactions that have occurred for your business. For each transaction, you will find specific details of your customer purchases, as well as all related communications. To view the transactional activity for your shop, simply click Transactions in the main site navigation of your TRYTN account.
This article covers the following topics:
- Search for a Transaction
- View Transaction Details
- View Transaction-Specific Communication History
- Learn the Types of Communication History Events
- Download Transaction History
- View or Print Transaction Receipt
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Search for a Transaction
To search for specific shop transactions, log into your TRYTN account and click on Transactions in the main site navigation.
When you first land on the Transactions page, you will see two available search options. You must select one of these options and enter the criteria for your search. Both options are explained below:
OPTION 1: Search via buyer name, email, or transaction ID
If you are searching for a single transaction or for transactions specific to an individual customer or transaction ID (assigned to all reservations in the system), you can easily filter to find this purchase using the open form search field. Here, you can simply type in the customer's name, email address, or the transaction identifier to return a list of all relevant transactions.
OPTION 2: Search via date field and date range
If you are searching for all purchases occurring between a certain set of dates, or if you need to narrow down results to find a specific purchase when you don't have a lot of information, this broader search option can be helpful. Simply click each of the dropdown menus to select the search parameters that best meet your needs. For Date Field, you can select to search by either the date of purchase, date of activity, or date of refund. Then you must select an applicable Date Range from the next dropdown; this can be custom or you can choose one of the predetermined options provided for you.
Once you have entered your search criteria, simply click the green Search button to see a list of results. You can update your search criteria as much as needed to filter down to the needed transaction.
To learn more about the types of transaction details available to you on this page, see View Transaction Details below.
View Transaction Details
Once you've found the transaction you're looking for, you'll find you have access to several types of purchase-related information.
At the highest level, you will see the following transaction details:
- Transaction ID
- Buyer Name
- Purchase Date
- Transaction Total
- Transaction Status (i.e., Paid, Balance Due or Refunded)
From here, you can expand the record by clicking the toggle (triangle) to see a slightly more detailed overview of the transaction. This view provides the following details:
- Activity Purchased
- Activity Date
- Applicable Asset (if provided)
For even more detail pertaining to the transaction, you can click the Details button.
Once on the Transactions - Details page, you can easily find and edit necessary information by expanding the relevant section.
- Charges: Includes dates for all charges, payment method and amount, transaction ID, user name, and any fees added to the purchase.
- Notes: On a purchase that includes a refund, any refund details will be indicated here (i.e., refund date, user, amount, and whether this was a full or partial refund). This is also where you can find out who processed a purchase, checked in a participant, or created an invoice for this transaction, as well as when this took place.
- Communications: Includes the date the communication was sent, communication method (email or text), email address or phone number the communication was sent to, subject line (for emails), a copy of the communication message, and the communication status (e.g., delivered, open, sent, etc.).
- Activities: Includes questions and responses provided for each participant and each activity purchased, as well as a table with all purchase details and any outstanding balance.
Transaction-Specific Communication History
Your shop's transaction details page includes a list of communications that have been sent as part of each of your customer transactions. Communication details found on this page can be helpful in the event of a payment dispute. To see the various communications sent for a given transaction, navigate to Transactions from your TRYTN account and search for the transaction of interest.
Click on the Actions menu and select Details to view the Transactions - Details page.
To see all email and/or text communications for this transaction, click the green "+" next to Communications. The section will expand to reveal the date and time each communication was sent, the subject line of each communication, and the communication method.
If you expand details for a specific message using the toggle (triangle), you can see a history of each event that took place for that message, including when the message was sent, when it was opened, if it bounced, etc. In most cases you can also see an exact copy of the message content. Note: Only messages sent on or after August of 2019 will have this information available.
Learn the Types of Communication History Events
There are several message history events that are used to indicate message status. Below are the lists for both email and text communications, with brief descriptions to explain each history event type.
Email Communications
Text Communications
Download Transaction History
To download transaction history, visit Transactions in TRYTN's main site navigation and enter your search parameters. Next, scroll to the bottom of the search results to find the blue Download Transactions button.
Click this button to download your results. You can then open these results from your download history to view an Excel file of all transactional data returned from your search results.
View or Print Transaction Receipt
To view or print a transaction receipt, start by navigating Transactions from the main site navigation on your TRYTN account; then enter your search parameters. From here, locate the transaction you're looking for in the list of search results and click the associated Details button.
This will take you to the Transactions - Details page where you should click the blue Actions button at the top-right section of the page, followed by Receipt.
This will provide a screen with the transaction receipt (example shown below).
To save this receipt, simply right-click the receipt and click Save As.
To print this receipt, click on print from the blue Actions button at the top-right section of the page.